Sarah Perrotti

Licensing: REB.0793764
Sarah Perrotti

Licensing: REB.0793764

Sarah Perrotti is a transition expert who helps clients from the start of a transaction to well after it closes. She uses the knowledge from getting her Master's in Social work to help clients through the emotional aspects of buying or selling their home. With her passion and practical experience in real estate, home ownership and rehabbing properties, her knowledge and resources are vast and efficient which makes her the unequivocal go-to resource for all your real estate needs. Skilled in Sales, Social Media Marketing, and Negotiations, she makes sure to get the job done! In her personal time, she loves spending time with her husband and their dog Blue. She is active in the Waterbury and Northwest Regional Chamber of Commerces and sits on the Board for Habitat for Humanity of Greater Waterbury.

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